Vigilantes kill Africa Civet in Benin City, Edo State

A wild African Civet locally known as ‘Edi’ has been killed vigilante at Fanalou Street, Off Country Home Motel Road, Ugbor in Benin City.

Details of how the Civet was killed was sketchy as at press time but pictures of the Civet was posted on Facebook by one Hon Tony Osazuwa.

A Benin based lawyer, Jefferson Uwoghiren, who shared the story and pictures on his facebook page described it as a daredevil leopard but was corrected that the animal was a Civet.

A post by Jefferson reads, “My brother, Hon Tony Osazuwa few minutes ago posted Images of a dare devil leopard killed early this morning by the local vigilante in his area Nigeria. Leopards in Benin?”

However, the killing of the Civet caused outrage online as commentators were condemned by some facebook users who preferred that it would have been sent to the Zoo.

Others said it was a mere bush meat that should be consumed.

Abdul Malik in his comment said, “Was it disturbing or attacking the community and if it was, after the capture why was it not taken to a zoo or somewhere safe. Hope say the bush meat belle full una.”

To Bright Edward, “Now that the hungry, lazy and criminal CDA chairmen and their hungry, lazy and criminal followers destroyed their natural habitat selling the land, the poor animals are now everywhere seeking shelter and food. The other day dem turn Bush Baby (Galagos) to witch for Benin city, killed and burn the poor animal for nothing, This is a Civet cat bro. If dem see Leopard the size alone and the looks in its eyes the whole area for don vamoose.”

Aguinede Oghogho said she was traumatised by the killing. “Where are the animals right activist? Am traumatized by a human killing an innocent animal.”

Darlington Ehondor said, “This beautiful cat shouldn’t have been killed, it should have been shot with tranquilizers and, when revived, housed in a zoo or some wildlife facility. So sad we blissfully destroy items of great potential tourist and economic value.”

-[The Nation]

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