Update Wayne Rooney Banned From Driving For Two Years After Pleading Guilty To Drink-Drive Charge

Wayne Rooney has been banned from driving for two years after pleading guilty to drink driving at court this morning.

He has also been ordered to perform 100 hours of unpaid community service for his crime as part of a 12-month community order.

The former England captain was almost three times over the drink driving limit when he was stopped by police on September 1.

Wayne Rooney Banned From Driving For Two Years After Pleading Guilty To Drink Drive Charge 2.32883019

Rooney was stopped driving 29-year-old Laura Simpson home because her car had a faulty brake light.

His breathalyser test registered at 104 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath, Stockport Magistrates Court heard. The legal limit is 35 micrograms per 100ml in England…


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