This amazing wedding make-up transformation goes viral…

This amazing transformation of this lady is shaking the internet…
The photos were shared on Twitter and it has garnered various reaction with some asking how its’s possible, some condemning her, and other asking for make-up tips.
What do you think?
See reactions below…
  • Now the makeup artist is amazing. Gotta give her that. But man i just wish it was her proper tone…
  • there’s clearly a filter, also who are you to be judging another woman for what she choses to do with her body/face/makeup?
  • I know the girl that did this makeup, I’m not denying her amazing skill in the slightest, I’m just annoyed at society and it’s mentality
  • is that makeup or bleaching or both? wtf
Someone saw a rather hilarious side of it… Wondering how her iPhone X would be able to scan her face…
Well, this is really amazing…

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