There is hardship in the land, yet, women appear to have the magic wand to deal with the situation. The men, however, seem to be cashing in, but timid in their approach. How is this playing out? Adesina Adedeji tells the story.

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Young men are now on the prowl for financially stable women to bear children for them. Unlike in the past when men didn’t mind about the status of the ladies, they are more concerned as the tide is swinging. Labour market used to be dominated by men but today, women are displacing men in what used to be a male dominated area. In a chat with about 12 people, they believe that more ladies are getting employed in corporate organizations than men.
This, on one hand, is a positive development for women rights and empowerment. On the other hand, there is a social disadvantage for both young men and women who want to start a family.
According to Tola Samuel data analyst, traditionally and naturally, one of the major ways a man stamps his authority in the home is via his financial power. It means that for a young man to get married he needs to be gainfully employed.
Unfortunately, nowadays, he said youth’s unemployment rate is on the rise which would even make it more difficult for them to be assertive as responsible men and husbands. According to New Telegraph’s findings, some group of unemployed men now go about looking for ladies who are gainfully employed and over ripe for marriage to impregnate most cases they do it with the consent of the ladies.
This is common among men who are in their thirties that no longer have the patience to get a job before settling down. They are desperately in need of a child. Hence, they turn to a lady who is also in her thirties mostly late thirties and mid forties, and upwardly-mobile but not yet married and desperately in need of a child.
For Lekan Adetiba (not real name) a graduate security man, the lady must be financially buoyant, not necessarily a millionaire but enough income to take care of their child or children in some cases.
“I am a 37 years old business administration graduate. I graduated seven years ago and still searching for a good job. I tried all I could to get a decent job, I even got trained by the side so as to be self employed but no financial assistance, no matter how small to start my business.
“So I took up this security job three years ago,” he said. Adetiba who earns N35,000 as his salary said he dare not dream of marriage yet, so he approached a lady whom he had studied for sometime in the place where he is the security man, certain that the lady had no man in her life.
Luck smiled on him as the lady agreed to the arrangement. “She agreed to take care of the pregnancy till he would be ready for me. Once in a while, I support the up keep of the child- a baby girl,” he said.
Bello Lawal, told New Telegraph that he was pushed to the wall when he searched for a job for four years after his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). “I searched for white collar jobs but to no avail.
I studied Agriculture and tried getting loans from micro-finance banks to start my poultry or fish farm business but I didn’t get because I had nothing to use as collateral. I was 32 at the time and desperate and there was no sign that I would make it in life. I am someone who loves children and I thought about having my own someday.