Richard Branson's Necker Island home has been completely destroyed by Hurricane Irma. The British billionaire retreated to his concrete bunker as the most powerful hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic hit his Caribbean complex. His home on Necker Island was in directly in the eye of Irma which battered the area for hours.
His son Sam Branson took to Instagram to write:
Richard Branson refused to evacuate from his famous Island and took refuge in his wine celler.
His son Sam Branson took to Instagram to write:
Glad to say that all humans on Necker are ok although a lot of buildings destroyed 😞 Very concerned for our friends and everyone on the neighbouring islands and people in its path. Please don't take this hurricane lightly if it is heading your way. If your building is not very solid, do find somewhere safe! Homes can be rebuilt but lives can't. Nature warning us again of the impact of #climatechange We must all do more to combat this. #nomoresubsidiesforfossilfuelandlivestockindustries #hurricaneirma #bvi #neckerisland #besafe #beprepared
Richard Branson refused to evacuate from his famous Island and took refuge in his wine celler.
British virgin islands after the storm |