Nigerian Student Shares His Horrifying Accident Survival Story (Graphic Photos)

A Nigerian student Jerry Chikezie, has recounted his amazing survival story following a ghastly motor accident, as he shared photos of his recovery.

Here’s what he wrote on Facebook;
“Viewer’s discretion is advised. I’m sorry for the gory pictures, I just can’t express my gratitude to this God; the unchanging changer, everlasting redeemer, beginning and the end, the One whose word remains forever. I am a product of grace, a walking miracle, a highly favored son.

"Do u want to know if God exists? Then take a look at me. Some doctors gave me 48hrs; some 3 weeks but what do they know? I survived a ghastly motor accident with 2nd degree burns; severe head injury; carbon inhalation; multiple fractures, i was bedridden for over 4 months, underwent 3 major surgeries within 8 months, was on crutches for over a year.

"Let’s not even talk about the humongous hospital bill and how it was paid. The devil brought out his full arsenal but here i am today telling my story myself. Sorry for the long epistle but i just couldn’t help it. Look at all he has done in my life, now telling me what you’re going through that you think is too big for my Jehovah. I know the pictures are messy but if u feel the need to share this post please do.

You don’t know whose faith u might be strengthening. Never give up the fight (don’t give the devil the joy of conquest), keep on keeping on, God is still God, He never changes”

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