If your Tinder game is on point and your chat’s even better you may be puzzled as to why you can’t score a second date. While some people will simply decide they don’t feel a spark, others will have been turned off by something more specific.
A new survey by the Daily Star Online asked readers “What is your biggest turn off in a man?” and the answers might suprise you. A whopping 35% said a man who smells bad is their biggest turn off.
Founder and CEO of Victoria Milan, a dating site for people looking for an affair, Sigurd Vedal said that smell is something you can easily control.
He added, “There’s no doubt that the scent of a lover is a strong emotional and s*xual trigger – years after an affair has ended, you never forget how delicious they smelled.
“You can’t really control how you look, but you can control how you smell – and that’s a huge win, as we’ve revealed what the preference is for men and women across the globe.”
Having an arrogant personality came in second with 22% of respondents revealing they preferred men who were kind.
And while prior research has shown women don’t care about the size of a man’s man-hood, our survey revealed 20% of women would be put off if a man had a small schlong.
The survey, of 804 women, also found that 14% would be turned off by someone who is bad in bed and 9% would be repulsed by wonky teeth.
Recent research shows women think people should wait until the third date to sleep with someone new, while men think it’s fine to have s*x on the first date.
Credit: Original post appeared first on Daily Star Online